Earth Day 2024 Events
An overview of our events, booths, and activities!
Local Organizations
Who we're inviting to our Earth Day Celebration!
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Learn about the watershed and environment around you by visiting the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's booth! As a leader for Maryland's own environmental conservation efforts, the CBF works to educate locals about the beauty of our ecosystem and consequences of our actions on a major watershed: The Chesapeake Bay.
Attend their booth at our Earth Day celebration or visit their website to learn more about the CBF, and how you can contribute to their efforts in Maryland!
Panther Participants
Who at Ahigh is pitching in to celebrate Earth Day?
Events and Activities
I love learning, but what can I DO at the Earth Day Celebration?
Nature Walks
Get some exercise in and go for a walk led by our science teachers and environmentally interested students! See what nature is right in our backyard!
Garden Installment
Help us take care of A High's Pollinator Garden! Let us know when you arrive if you would like to participate in weeding, planting, or laying mulch.
If getting dirty in the garden isn't your thing, you can still contribute by donating materials like rakes, gloves, and weed bags to help us out! See the Volunteer Page for more information.
Arts and Crafts
Last year we had awesome arts and crafts... so we're going to do it again! Visit the arts and crafts booths to contribute to sustainable art projects that will represent our celebration for years to come!
Check out our Volunteer Page for opportunities to donate materials for our projects!
Campus Clean Ups
Join Mrs. Ramey on a campus clean up around the portables and help keep are school clean!